JBB Advanced Technologies - Redefining What's Possible

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Who We Are

JBB Advanced Technologies is a holding company that drives innovation at the intersection of blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and clean energy by creating and acquiring platforms and building operations to dramatically reshape our world in a sustainable and profitable manner. 

With an experienced, top-flight management team, including the founder of one of America’s top five renewable energy developers, we continually explore new areas for growth to enhance our market value, our technology capabilities, and our mission. This includes patented inventions from JBB Labs, our in-house research and development team, as well as acquiring businesses and forging partnerships with organizations that have goals and values consistent with those of our company.

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JBB Advanced Technologies Ownership

The company’s portfolio of asset companies and their technologies and expertise vertically integrate and complement the company as a whole, including relationships, values, and goals. The extensive experience and track record of the company’s executive management successfully identify and integrate high-quality acquisitions quickly and efficiently, giving the company a unique edge in the market and enabling it to drive growth and create significant value over the long term.

As a diversified holding company, JBB Advanced Technologies invests in valuable intellectual property by either starting businesses based on our R&D or by acquiring companies at below market rates. We always look for industries or businesses with clear exponential growth opportunities.

We target 100% ownership of all subsidiaries and are heavily involved in the operations and strategy for each of our investments. We continually explore new areas for growth to enhance our market value, our technology, and our mission.

Through our research and development division, JBB Labs, we are inventing patented devices using blockchain to help our electric grid incorporate exploding resources of renewable energy, along with other renewable energy innovations.
Another renewable energy division is developing and bringing clean, affordable solar energy systems to commercial concerns.
And via the acquisition of our Web 3 operation, we are developing next-generation blockchain-based customer loyalty programs with application across multiple industries.
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